Saturday, March 9, 2019

Transmitted Resiliency Entered Her Bones With Memory. An International Womens'

I loved the way you sold sex appeal, the way the powerless shake it in your face like a crackwhore jonsing for her fix, any john will do as she dies before they even make it to Skidrow. That's why you don't see too many young crackwhores on Skidrows. Lots more Mr. Fords with their rosie harem of youngsters strung out on love, lust, a promise of becoming a Hollywood Movie Star. All her dreams dashed away, flushed down the wash with his sweet n bitter kisses stuffed to the brim with white lies, a line, a push, a snort, a hit. Welcome to Skidrow Mrs. Mares Queen of my groin. Love  a forgotten safety boat, only a safety pin holds her together now as she hangs in peril. Doctors hooked her up to an EKG, pound on her heart, no revival. She died the first day in her wedding dress long before her body left us. She died of a broken heart, or was it the way he stole her, chased her, hunted her down until she said "I do." Until the end of his rifle hit her head in his drunken stupor and murdered her. She lay dead on the kitchen table while his mistress prepared the meal for their children. The baby shaking her mothers dead arm trying to revive the dead~ She carried the wound in her own womb~ transmitted resiliency entered her bones with memory.